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Eisner Safety Consultants

Eisner Safety Consultants experts provide affordable, on-time medical device approvals via safety and regulatory agencies (including technical documentation), and quality system certifiers. Our experts can help prepare design documentation. We provide assistance with U.S., Canadian, European, and other international markets. Click the link below to see the Services we offer.

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About Us

About Us

Eisner Safety Consultants experts provide affordable, on-time medical device approvals via safety and regulatory agencies (including technical documentation), and quality system certifiers. Our experts can help prepare design documentation. We provide assistance with U.S., Canadian, European, and other international markets. Click the link below to see the Services we offer.



This page includes some of our favorite links we find useful in our everyday regulatory & compliance work.  Please contact us with any suggestions for additional links or if you find any broken links. We hope you find these resources helpful.

Qmed Qualified Supplier

Qmed Qualified Supplier

Qmed: World’s only directory of pre-qualified suppliers and service providers to medical device/IVD industries. Since 2010, Qmed’s powerful search tool & online directory have enabled medtech manufacturers to find relevant partners who can fill the gaps in their current capabilities.