ESC Newsletter #3 – Just Released

This issue we are going to focus on the 60601-1 series of standards based on the 3rd edition of 60601-1 and the MDD & AIMDD, including the Amendment 2007/47/EC for the MDD.  First we are presenting an audio conference on the Marking and Labeling requirements for IEC 60601-1 which will be on November 18th.  Please come and join in the audio conference.  Next we summarize the issues discussed on the CENELEC FAQ web page dealing with EN 60601-1, 3rdedition questions that apply to the MDD and AIMDD.  Then we discuss the big changes coming down the line for the draft EMC Standards IEC 60601-1-2, 4th edition & the new IEC 6XXXX, 1stedition.  This is a must read article for any electrical medical device manufacturer.  Lastly, we remind you that there are less than 5 months left til the MDD Amendment requirements come into play.  One way to deal with this is to use our MDD Amendment Toolkit, which is only $249.00.

We hope you enjoy the third edition of our newsletter and we would enjoy hearing back from you on any suggested topics and your feedback.

To see past editions of the newsletter go to Subscribe to the newsletter to get future newsletters.  Go to any page on the website and enter your e-mail address in the upper left side of the webpage where it says “Sign-Up to our Newsletter”.

Eisner Safety Consultants Newsletter #3 Available
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