Updated EN60601 Series FAQ Posted on Cenelec site in regard to the MDD & AIMD & EN60601 Series

The current document posted on 22 March 2010 is an update to the previously posted document issued 9 October 2009 on the CENELEC site

The newest document has added in a few critical issues including

  • that with the publication of EN 60601-1:2006, compliance with EN 60601-1:1990 and its related collateral standards will no longer give ‘presumption of conformity’ with the European directives covered as of 1 June 2012.  This date 2012 was confirmed by the CENELEC Technical Board in October 2009 (decision D135/C228). Publication in the Official Journal of the European Union is necessary for this decision to enter into force. The publication of the 1 June 2012 date is expected in spring 2010.
  • devices should not be presumed to be unsafe simply because they were designed to comply with EN 60601-1:1990 when first introduced into the European market. Whether or not the safety of such devices represents the “state of the art” can only be determined through the application of Risk Management according to EN ISO 14971 and especially with regard to Clause 9 thereof.
  • For those medical devices for which a part 2 exists (i.e., a standard labeled EN 60601-2-x or EN 80601-2-x), the transition period for that part 2 is decisive.  If the transition period of the part 2 ends, for example, on 21 November 2011 then, after this date, compliance with the old (‘superseded’) standard no longer gives the presumption of conformity with the Essential Requirements covered by the standard. In this situation, the 1 June 2012 date is not relevant.
  • and more CENELEC site link
Updated EN60601 Series FAQ Posted on Cenelec site in regard to the MDD & AIMD & EN60601 Series
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