On 16 November 2010 this Interpretative Document was issued to explain what is considered Placing Medical Devices on the EU Market.  The document refers to all 3 medical device directives including the amendment 2007/47/EC.  The 3 medical device directives this applies to are Active Implantables Medical Devices 90/385/EEC, Medical Devices 93/42/EEC, and the InVitro Diagnostic Medical Devices 98/76/EC.  Additionally, the biocidal products directive 98/8/EC is also referenced in this document.

This document refers to the EU Directive on accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products which is EC/765/2008.  EC/765/2008 is relied on for the term “making available’.

The interpretative document may be viewed by clicking EU Interpretative Document – Placing Medical Devices on the Market.

To see a list of the current EU Medical Device Directives Interpretative Documents you can go to the EUROPA webpage that has the Medical Device Directives Interpretative Documents.

EU Interpretative Doc on Placing Med Dev’s on Mrkt