The new MHRA website home page is now live and you are being sent to the Home Page of the newly revamped site!

The UK MHRA has updated their website to be much more functional and you can find a lot of information about the Directives (i.e. MDD, IVD, & AIMDD) related to the medical devices. Also, you can find the UK transposed regulations and many other useful items such as classification information, borderline documents, the conformity assessment process, regulatory news, details on revisions of the MDD, Vigilance, Notified Bodies, and much much more. The site links you to multiple places to the Europa website for things such as the Interpretation & guidance documents and more…

If you are looking for information on Medical Devices under the MDD this is a good link to look at for lots of information on the subject.

If you are looking for information on Medicines legislation & directives this is a good link to look at for lots of information on the subject.

They even set-up a page for New Technologies Forums for both Medicines and Medical Devices.

UK MHRA Revamped Website!