This post is thanks to Nemko ‘News In Brief’ for Sept-Oct 2012.  As stated in the Nemko Newsletter:

‘UAE has restricted the entry of electrical equipment with 2-pin plug configurations in order to strengthen the implementation of a standardized model for all power plugs marketed in the country. From 2012, the standard UAE/BS 1363-5 applies for all electrical home and office appliances sold in the UAE.’


Note, that for class II appliances (no earth is provided and so typically no earth terminal provided) the same plug configuration UAE/BS 1363-5 is required with a dummy plastic or metal pin replacing the earth terminal to maintain the plug compatibility with the socket outlets.  Also, the UAE/BS 1363-5 model is based on a British Standard.

For more details on this subject click on this link.

UAE restrict 2-pin power plugs
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