Rob Packard & Brigid Glass have a couple opportunities for you to learn about different aspects of medical device auditing.  These offerings are in February & April 2013 and range from a 1 hour audio conference, to a free webinar, to a small face to face training.

Joe Hage ( will be offering a free webinar, taught by Rob Packard and Brigid Glass, on the “Best Practices in Medical Device Auditing”. If you want to be part of this I suggest you click right now to register, because 1,000 seats is the maximum available and 250 people signed up in the first 24 hours, about a day ago.

The free webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th, 3 – 4pm (PST) or 6 – 7pm (EST), will include 10 minutes on the topic of Turtle Diagrams, a 15 minute video by Brigid Glass about audit program planning, and Rob will close with about 15 minutes explaining how the topics Brigid mentioned can be applied to planning an audit. The 10 minutes Rob will spend on the topic of Turtle Diagrams is not really long enough to cover the use of the process approach in detail.  

Rob mentioned to me that he is also teaching a 1-hour audio seminar through FX Conferences on Tuesday, February 19th, 8:30am to 9:30am (PST) or 11:30am to 12:30pm (EST). That audio seminar will be specific to the topic of Turtle Diagrams and the Process Approach.

Also, check out Rob and Brigid will be teaching a live, two-day course on Best Audit Practices in April. Only 60 seats (20 per city: San Diego, Orlando, Las Vegas).

Medical Device Audit Training Opportunities