This Regulation Chart & the blog post contents is Thx to and the RAPS Dutch/Flanders chapter.  We are grateful to them for sharing such a valuable tool and hope you get a lot of good use from it too.  All they ask you do is to provide them with feedback if you have ideas of additional items to add to the listing.

On 30 April 2013 the website via Axon Lawyers posted a really helpful new document for your use (free of charge and no request for info about you or your company).   The RAPS Dutch/Flanders chapter has been active in defining a list of EU legislation that does not directly regulate medical devices but covers them in its scope, like environmental design requirements for electronic devices.  From this listing Axon Lawyers expanded the document into an English language document that includes active links to the underlying legislative texts, the EU law summaries in the ScadPlus database, if available, and to the EU Commission web pages with explanation about the rules concerned.

Axon Lawyers mentioned that this list will always be in constant flux because these rules tend to be amended a lot.  So, the best place to download this chart is directly from their blog posting.  If you want to just download this version of the chart click here for now but check back with their website ( to look for updates.  At this point they haven’t decided how they will distribute updates to this chart but I am sure they will figure something out and disseminate, as appropriate.  Stand tuned for more updates on this valuable resource and let’s again thank both the RAPS Dutch/Flanders chapter and website for this resource they are sharing with us.

RAPS & EU Medical Devices Regulation Chart