Leo Eisner will be presenting on the topic “Navigating FDA’s Draft Guidance on Home Use Medical Devices” at an FX Conferences event on 11 July, 2013 (Thurs) at 11:00AM – Noon (Pacific), 2:00PM – 3:00PM (Eastern).  You don’t have to leave your office to join in on the presentation and as a special thank you for visiting us at Eisner Safety Consultants you can get a $50.00 discount.

What’s it about:  The FDA published its draft guidance on Design Considerations for Devices Intended for Home Use in December of 2012, as part of an initiative started back in April 2010 “to support the safe use of medical devices in the home.” The guidance document is a significant step forward helping manufacturers understand the design criteria, user environments to consider, environmental considerations, and labeling issues. It also looks at other standards and FDA guidance manufacturers should consider, as well as post-market considerations, and other vital aspects of designing and developing devices that are intended to make the devices safer and easier to use.

Join us for this timely and informative audio conference presentation as our speaker takes attendees on a guided tour of the draft guidance. The presentation reviews the key points of the document as it relates to the IEC 60601-1-11 standard (Home Use Medical Electrical Equipment), human factors and usability (user environment), environmental considerations, labeling, and design controls (including risk management).

This audio conference will cover:

  • Variations in the definition of home-use device under FDA and IEC 60601-1-11
  • How the draft guidance relates to FDA’s Medical Device Home Use Initiative
  • Environmental considerations discussed in the draft guidance
  • User environments to be considered
  • Key elements to keep in mind when designing home-use devices
  • Labeling considerations
  • Post-market considerations
  • And more

To find out more about the presentation & discount ($50.00 off regular price) click here for the details and also some other past presentations that Eisner Safety Consultants have presented for FX Conferences previously.

Presentation on Navigating FDA’s Home Use Medical Devices Draft Guidance
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