I am thrilled to announce our latest addition to the Eisner Safety Consultants team Mary Weick-Brady recently joined our team and will help us support a growing need for the Wearable Medical Devices and the Home Use Medical Markets. Ms. Weick-Brady comes with tremendous experience in the Home Use space and with respect to patient labeling and will be a fantastic addition to our company. With 25 years of experience at the FDA, and over 30 years of experience as a registered nurse, including 6 years as a home health care nurse, Ms. Weick-Brady is able to provide training on home use policy, assist with premarket submissions intended for home use, and help industry understand the regulatory process. As Mary & I were talking about her joining the Eisner Safety Consultants team her excitment to help with the Home Use market and users of these devices seemed endless. She made a point that she is concerned for the end user, particularly the patient. This is clear by her statement to me: “I am (Mary) invested in having an understandable format of instructions for use and to make sure these instructions for use are accessible and usable by the end user. She is also invested in making sure medical devices are being developed with the end user in mind as a useful and usable part of healthcare in non-clinical environments.”

Please welcome Mary Weick-Brady to our growing team that can support your medical device policy, regulatory, safety certification, and quality system needs. To find out more about her background and the rest of the Eisner Safety Consultants team members please check out our Associates web page.

If you need additional support for Wearable Medical Devices and Home Use Medical Devices email Leo Eisner at Leo@EisnerSafety.com, or call Leo at +1-(503)-244-6151. Leo is the Principal Consultant of Eisner Safety Consultants (bit.ly/EisnerSafetyConsultants).

Welcome Mary Weick-Brady to Eisner Safety Consultants