The Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) is meeting on March 11 & 12th to hold a series of meetings. Part of these meetings includes hearing feedback from industry and Notified Bodies on stakeholder preparedness for the application of the MDR on 26 May 2020.
Some of the topics to be discussed include:
- Updates on MDCG Subgroups
- MDR/IVDR Implementing Acts
- Commission’s Progress report on Notified Bodies designation process under MDR /IVDR
- EUDAMED db – state of play
- Expert Panels – State of play on setting up of Expert Panels
The MDCG will discuss three transitional provisions:
- Guidance on significant changes [Art. 120.3 (EU) 2017/745] with regard to devices covered by certificates according to 90/385/EEC or 93/42/EEC – for endorsement
- Class I transitional provisions in Article 120 (3)(4) – for endorsement
- Guidance on transitional provisions for consultations of authorities on devices containing ancillary medicinal products and on devices manufactured using TSE susceptible animal tissues – for information
Additionally, some interesting topics include:
- Discussions on the developments with regard to guidance on MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Programme)
- EU Participation in the IMDRF (International Medical Devices Regulators Forum)
Draft Agendas are available here: 11 March 2020 – MDCG (MDR/IVDR) High Level – Draft Agenda, 11-12 March 2020 – MDCG (MDR/IVDR) – Draft Agenda, and 12 March 2020 – Meeting between MDCG & Stakeholders MDCG (MDR/IVDR) – Draft Agenda
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