On April 3, 2023 FDA added IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.2 2020-08 CONSOLIDATED VERSION Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance to their list of Recognized Consensus Standards as Recognition # 19-49 in Recognition List # 060. A reminder that Recognized Consensus standards are considered voluntary by the FDA for premarket submissions but they are what the majority of manufacturers use to facilitate & streamline the premarket process.

Relevant FDA Guidance and/or Supportive Publications*

US national differences:

1. (Recognition Number: 19-46) ANSI AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 & A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 & A2:2010/(R)2012 (Cons. Text) [Incl. AMD2:2021] Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance (IEC 60601-1:2005, MOD) [Including Amendment 2 (2021)]

2. Attachment Form No.: US_ND_IEC60601_1U ATTACHMENT TO TEST REPORT IEC 60601-1: US NATIONAL DIFFERENCES – Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance

Note from Leo: This is a US National Difference Test Report Form issued by the CB Scheme for CB scheme reports.

You have 3 options
1 expires after December 17, 2023
The first 2 are acceptable now & going forward.

1) Use IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.2 (Recognition # 19-49) from now onward making sure to use References #1 AND #2.
Note: This first option is the best of the three. Test to the IEC standard as that way you can prepare your product for the US domestic and international markets at the same time. If you pass the testing you’ll meet most if not all requirements and then you can deal with the few US National Differences by applying the US National Differences which are also in item 2) of this list anyway. This is less restrictive for your product than if you test your product to the US version of the standard (ANSI AAMI – Item 2 of this list) and then try to go to the international market which most countries will require IEC testing anyway.

2) Use ANSI AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 & A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 & A2:2010/(R)2012 (Cons. Text) [Incl. AMD2:2021] (Recognition Number: 19-46) from now onward.
Note: This SIS is an older Recognized Consensus Standard but by inference, one would be wise to make sure that you also get the US National Difference Test Report mentioned above for the IEC 60601-1, ed. 3.2 which is based on the ANSI AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 & A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 & A2:2010/(R)2012 (Cons. Text) [Incl. AMD2:2021] (Recognition Number: 19-46)

3) During the transition period FDA will accept a declaration of conformity in support of premarket submissions to the older ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 and A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 and A2:2010/(R)2012 (Consolidated Text) (Recognition Number: 19-4) but it will be superseded by recognition of ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 and A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 and A2:2010/(R)2012 (Consolidated Text) [Including Amendment 2 (2021)] (Recognition Number: 19-46) after December 17, 2023.
Note: The SIS says that Recognition Number: 19-4 (ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, edition 3.1) by Recognition Number: 19-46 (ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, edition 3.2) but if you are smart I would switch to Recognition Number 19-49 (IEC 60601-1, edition 3.2). FDA should accept this Recognized Consensus standard for your premarket submission as long as your submission includes the US national differences References #1 & #2.

Need help with 60601 series standards (Medical Electrical Equipment) including EMC; strategic planning for your medical electrical product lines; need support when FDA or a regulator asks questions for a submission Eisner Safety Consultants experts deal with EU, US, & other country regulatory requirements & standards, laws, directives, and more. Leo Eisner is an expert on standards development and sits on many standards committees. He also has experts on additional standards committees and we all talk to the regulators. He has a team of experts to support your needs. Feel free to schedule a call with Leo or contact Leo at Leo@EisnerSafety.com or through our contact form.

We work with many test labs for Medical Electrical Safety & EMC and can arrange other testing, as well. Please let us know if we can help when you contact us.

FDA Recognizes IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.2
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