Draft EUDAMED roadmap (of modules*) was published on 20 Oct 2023 with updated timelines for each module and mandatory use dates for the MDR & IVDR.

Q4’ 2027: Article 123 (3) (d) MDR/113 (3) (f) IVDR

  • Actor (Economic Operators register in EUDAMED; Supervising Entities has access to EUDAMED that is not public),
  • Certificates (Active, suspended, reinstated, withdrawn, refused, other restrictions on certificates),
  • MSU (Evaluation of devices on the market by Competent Authorities),
  • Vigilance (& Post Market Surveillance), and
  • CI/PS (Before a device is placed on the market – Clinical Investigation and Performance Study)

Q2’ 2029: Article 123 (3) (e) MDR/113 (3) (a) IVDR

  • Devices (Based on UDIs registered in EUDAMED) and
  • Certificates (see above)

* For a brief explanation of EUDAMED modules refer to the below

Need help with Medical Electrical Equipment standards (60601/80601 series) including Safety/EMC; strategic planning for your medical electrical product lines; need support when FDA or a regulator asks questions for a submission Eisner Safety Consultants experts deal with EU, US, & other country regulatory requirements & standards, laws, directives, and more. Leo Eisner is an expert on standards development and sits on many standards committees. He also has experts on additional standards committees and we all talk to the regulators. He has a team of experts to support your needs. Feel free to schedule a call with Leo or contact Leo at Leo@EisnerSafety.com or through our contact form.

We work with many test labs for Medical Electrical Safety & EMC and can arrange other testing, as well. Please let us know if we can help when you contact us.

Draft EUDAMED Roadmap of Modules