As of November 2012 the GHTF (Global Harmonization Task Force) is no longer operating as evidenced by several pieces of information.  In it’s place the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) is working to “build on the strong foundation of the GHTF’s” 20 years and the aim is to “accelerate international medical device regulatory harmonization and convergence.”


First a closing statement press release from the GHTF president was issued recently (dated Nov 2012) and on the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) webpage for the Archived GHTF documents there is a statement at the top of that page stating:

  • “Important! The organisation GHTF no longer exists, and has been permanently replaced by the IMDRF. All material appearing on this page and the pages within has been moved here from the old GHTF site for preservation, and is no longer current. It is historic information and should not be acted upon.”

Another point to note is that the last set of documents from the GHTF were issued on 2 Nov 2012 and the IMDRF website in the last couple days seems to have been totally updated and reorganized in an easy to use format that will make it easy for the public to view this valuable resource and to stay up to date on the happenings of this organization.   Hopefully,  in the next decade, or sooner, the IMDRF will begin the process of Harmonizing areas of the international medical device regulatory arena so medical device manufacturers won’t have to deal with varying regulations through out the world.

On the Archived GHTF webpage it also states that they have brought all of the current and archived GHTF documents over to the IMDRF website.  Note, that the GHTF website is still up but it is not clear what will happen to it or when it will be taken down.


More about the IMDRF: Straight from the IMDRF website the following gives you some information about the organization.  If you have furhter questions about the organization please contact the IMDRF secretariat at

IMDRF is a voluntary group of medical device regulators from around the world who have come together to build on the strong foundational work of the Global Harmonization Task Force on Medical Devices (GHTF) and aims to accelerate international medical device regulatory harmonization and convergence.

IMDRF was born in October 2011, when representatives from the medical device regulatory authorities of Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, Japan and the United States, as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) met in Ottawa to address the establishment and operation of this new Forum. A copy of the outcome statement from this meeting is available from the Meetings page.

Further information about the work and operations of IMDRF is available in its Terms of Reference (Note, the last page of this document has an organizational chart showing the roles and inte-relations of these roles).

On the About Us webpage  they go on to describe the different roles and responsibilities within the IMDRF.   The functions described are the IMDRF Management Committee; the Management Committee Members (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe (the EU), Japan, and the USA);  Official Observers (World Health Organization {WHO}); Affiliate Organizations; and Working Groups.


RAPS Regulatory Focus Article posted 30 Oct 2013 on the subject is interesting and provides some additional background and perspective.

GHTF has transitioned to IMDRF
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