FDA Adds Interpretation Sheet 1 on Essential Performance & SFC of IEC 60601-1 to AAMI ES60601-1 Recognitions DB

FDA Adds Interpretation Sheet 1 on Essential Performance & SFC of IEC 60601-1 to AAMI ES60601-1 Recognitions DB

The FDA on May 30, 2022, same day as when the recent AAMI 60601 Amendments were Recognized, added the Interpretation Sheet 1 (ISH1) – Amendment 1 – on Essential Performance (Clause 4.3) and Single Fault Condition (Clause 4.7) based on

FDA Swiftly Recognizes AAMI 60601 Amended Standards 30 May 2022

FDA Swiftly Recognizes AAMI 60601 Amended Standards 30 May 2022

The FDA in a little over a month on 30 May 2022 (that is swift) has updated the Recognized Consensus database for the AAMI 60601 Amendmended Standards that are referenced in my previous post of May 13, 2022. The AAMI

IEC 60601 Amendments Presentation Now on MDG Premium

IEC 60601 Amendments Presentation Now on MDG Premium

Joe Hage graciously invited me to present on July 30 to his MDG premium group on “IEC 60601 Amendments & What’s in the future for Medical Electrical Equipment”. We had a great conversation with about 35 or so people from around the world. They were from Ireland, the Netherlands, India, the US, and elsewhere in the conversation, with questions throughout and at the end too.