Regulatory Updates – January 2022

Regulatory Updates – January 2022

Regulatory Update – January 2022 Index I have 4 Regulatory updates (US (2), England, Scotland & Wales (1), EU 1)) for you that are full of great information. Below is a mini index so you can jump around the world

EU MDR & IVDR Harmonized Standards Lists Updated – 9 Added to MDR & 5 to IVDR

EU MDR & IVDR Harmonized Standards Lists Updated – 9 Added to MDR & 5 to IVDR

The European Commission published two Implementing Decisions: EU 2022/6 and (EU) 2022/15 for the MDR (EU) 2017/745 and IVDR (EU) 2017/746on 5 January 2022 and 7 January 2022 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1182 and (EU) 2021/1195 all above references are

IEC 60601 Amendments Presentation Now on MDG Premium

IEC 60601 Amendments Presentation Now on MDG Premium

Joe Hage graciously invited me to present on July 30 to his MDG premium group on “IEC 60601 Amendments & What’s in the future for Medical Electrical Equipment”. We had a great conversation with about 35 or so people from around the world. They were from Ireland, the Netherlands, India, the US, and elsewhere in the conversation, with questions throughout and at the end too.

Happy MDR + Day 1 Past DoA

Happy MDR + Day 1 Past DoA

DATELINE 27 MAY 2021: Wow! Some companies made it just across the line in time and I’m sure some didn’t. Did you? Not everyone agress with my perspective. Let’s get on with the story.

What does that all mean?

The MDD and AIMDD are dead (Dead on Arrival) and the MDR Date of Application (DoA) has just flown by us, yesterday. So, we are past the transition period, per say, for the MDR and now we’re into a grace (grey zone) for the legacy MDD/AIMDD products that can’t have any significant changes under their existing MDD/AIMDD certificates otherwise they need to go “full up” into MDR-land.