In my last post on this Standardization Request I didn’t expect it to pass. I didn’t get into the politics that there was a possibility of pressure from various groups for this Standardization Request to be accepted even if not
EU Commission MDR & IVDR Standardization Request List – Will it Succeed?
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTATION DECISION M/575 was issued 14 April 2021: This is a list of standards the EU Commission is hoping to Harmonize under MDR and IVDR. One of the issues is the HAS consultant has issued a negative assessment on
Notified Bodies Can do Remote Audits for MDR & IVDR
Notified bodies can now do remote audits for the MDR and IVDR — Member states need to Notify the EU Commission of Notified Bodies not conducting on-site audits & the period of time this will not be happening. So remote
How to Access EU Harmonized Standards List for Medical Based Directives (Non-HTML)
Just found out that the HTML listing of the Harmonized Standards listings are not available anymore. Not that they have been up to date of late anyway but still I refer to them a lot. So, when you search for
InCompliance Annual Guide Articles
As a Senior Contributor to InCompliance, many years I am asked to update my articles to be placed in the Annual Guide but rarely do 2 of my articles show up in the Guide in a year. This year 2