UL webpage on ISO 14971 UL webpage with regard to ISO 14971 – Risk Management. Go to the bottom of this UL webpage & log-in to get a case study evaluating why a company may want ISO 14971 certification to
EU MDD Recast in 2010
European Device Regs To Be Recast In 2010, With Separate IVD Revision EuroPharma Today.com article on the plans of the EU commission to overhaul the EU MDD in hopes of imposing a “modern set of rules” by 2015.
Reducing Risk without Wasting…
Reducing Risk without Wasting Resources: Doing Risk Management Right MD&DI May ’09 article on Risk Management by Mike Schmidt
TÜV America CMDCAS Registrar
TÜV Management Service First Global Registrar to Receive CMDCAS Recognition From the SCC TÜV America Inc. announces that its registrar division, TÜV Management Service, has received accreditation from Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Health Canada as a Canadian Medical