This post is the early release of IEC 60601-2-52, 1st ed. + Amendment 1 (A1) before being issued as an International Standard (IS). It is currently available as an FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) for purchase from IEC. IEC website
EN60601-1:2006 + A1:2013 Has Been Harmonized Under the MDD
This post discusses that EN60601-1:2006+Amendment 1 (A1):2013 has finally been Harmonized under the MDD. This is really big news that many of us in the medical industry have been waiting to hear occur for quite awhile. What’s The Big News
IEC 60601-1 PATIENT APPLIED PARTS of MEE – Notes 1, 2, & 3 – Part 2 of 2
In this blog, we continue our discussion on Patient Applied Parts, in Part 2, by explaining the 3 notes associated with the definition of Applied Parts, 3.8 of IEC 60601-1, 3rd ed & ed. 3.1. We use several figures to
IEC 60601-1 Definition of Patient Applied Parts – Part 1 of 2
This blog will you understand the definition of Patient Applied Parts for medical electrical equipment under the IEC 60601-1 Standard. This blog discusses the following points: Definition of APPLIED PART Examples of APPLIED PARTS for specific medical devices Examples of different
Status Update on EN 60601-1:06 + A1:13 for EU MDD & Annexes ZA & ZZ
EN 60601-1 (2006) + A1 (2013) status for EU MDD Harmonization & Impact of Annex ZA & ZZ are discussed in this blog.