I have been asked in a variety of flavors if 3rd ed. of IEC 60601-1:2005 and/or 3rd ed. + Amendment 1 (A1):2012 will be required by the FDA and when? The answer isn’t exactly yes or no. The end of
Proposal for FDA Create New Office to Regulate Mobile Apps
11 Feb 2013 – Regulatory Focus (RAPS) News Article indicates that there will be a re-introduced proposal going thru the US Congress, sometime this year, for the FDA’s CDRH to create a new office to Regulate Mobile Medical Device Applications. What
New LinkedIn Group on IEC 60601 Medical Electrical Equipment & Systems
A new LinkedIn group has been formed thx to the support of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)*. The group name is the IEC 60601 series of standards on Medical Electrical Equipment. This group is not just about the 3rd edition
FDA & EU MDD / AIMDD / IVDD Updated Standards Lists
Recently the FDA (United States) has released its latest List of Recognized Consensus Standards & the EU (European Union) has released updated lists of Harmonized Standards for the MDD (Medical Device Directive), the AIMDD (Active Implantable Medical Device Directive), and
MD&DI Articles on Home Use FDA Draft Guidance & Be Aware
This post deals with the FDA’s Draft Guidance on Home Use Devices. But it is a two for one (two articles and a note from Leo Eisner about the draft guidance to be aware of so really a 3 for