On 2 Nov 2015 FDA issued a draft Guidance document titled: “Information to Support a Claim of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Electrically-Powered Medical Devices”. The Guidance was developed to describe the types of information that the FDA expects to be
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1:14 Added to Health Canada’s List of Recognized Standards
This post discusses Health Canada’s most current List of Recognized Standards for Medical Devices effective 31 Aug 2015. Health Canada updated their list of Recognized Standards for Medical Devices on August 31, 2015. The changes included additions, updates and removals to the listing.
Standards Reconnaissance Service Coming Mid Oct ‘15 to Eisner Safety Consultants
Do you want to ensure standards compliance to meet quality & regulatory requirements? Compliance to standards has become a key part of regulatory requirements. Due to move towards Global Harmonization of regulations, it has become important not only for the developed
Join Us @ RAPS Regulatory Convergence Discuss Wearable Devices 26 Oct ’15
Join Us at RAPS Regulatory Convergence Conference on Monday October 26, 2015 to Discuss Wearbale Devices Topic: “Wearable Devices: How to Make Them Safe and Adhere to Regulations” Presenters: Leo Eisner & Mary Weick-Brady of Eisner Safety Consultants and Bakul Patel of OC,
Standards Reconnaissance Subscription Service Coming Soon
Does your Medical Device Regulator or your Quality System require that you maintain a list of applicable standards to meet these requirements for your product lines? How much time does it take to put this list together and how much