Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

 My conversation with Subhi Saadeh of Combinate Podcast was very intriguing and he does a fun podcast. Check out the Combinate podcast #132 as I, Leo Eisner, talk about Standards.

IEC 60601-1, 4th Ed. – Time to Get Involved Is Now!

IEC 60601-1, 4th Ed. – Time to Get Involved Is Now!

We need young(er) and experienced professionals to join in the development of IEC 60601-1, 4th ed. for the future success of medical electrical equipment standards development.

This is a follow-up to the original post of IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 November

This post talks about the Call for Experts and nomination of convenors and the short time periods. Get moving if you are interested.

IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 Nov 2023

IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 Nov 2023

During the IEC TC62 / SC62A meetings in Seoul, South Korea, 18 – 22 Sept 2023 there was general consensus between the National Committees (NCs) to move forward with the IEC 60601-1 4th edition project. Yeah, finally after so many years!!!!