Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

 My conversation with Subhi Saadeh of Combinate Podcast was very intriguing and he does a fun podcast. Check out the Combinate podcast #132 as I, Leo Eisner, talk about Standards.

IEC 60601-1, 4th Ed. – Time to Get Involved Is Now!

IEC 60601-1, 4th Ed. – Time to Get Involved Is Now!

We need young(er) and experienced professionals to join in the development of IEC 60601-1, 4th ed. for the future success of medical electrical equipment standards development.

This is a follow-up to the original post of IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 November

This post talks about the Call for Experts and nomination of convenors and the short time periods. Get moving if you are interested.

IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 Nov 2023

IEC 60601-1, 4th Edition Project – Where Do We Stand? – UPDATED 30 Nov 2023

During the IEC TC62 / SC62A meetings in Seoul, South Korea, 18 – 22 Sept 2023 there was general consensus between the National Committees (NCs) to move forward with the IEC 60601-1 4th edition project. Yeah, finally after so many years!!!!

FDA’s ASCA Program Becomes Permanent

FDA’s ASCA Program Becomes Permanent

Great News!!!! Effective 19 September 2023 FDA’s Accreditation Scheme for Conformity Assessment (ASCA) Program converted from a pilot program after 3 years to a permanent program, the agency announced. The transition is authorized under the Medical Device User Fee Amendments