IEC 60601-1 4th Ed Initial Launch: Positive Impacts Healthcare Standardization

IEC 60601-1 4th Ed Initial Launch: Positive Impacts Healthcare Standardization

Last week, 29 Apr – 3 May 2024, marked a significant milestone for the advancement in the world of patient safety and healthcare. The IEC TC 62/SC 62A convened its IEC 60601-1, 4th edition project kick-off meeting at AAMI in Arlington, Virginia. More than 200 experts from all corners of the globe attended in person, contributing to an inspiring and impactful week-long meeting.

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

Standards: Explosion and Challenges Maintaining/Updating

 My conversation with Subhi Saadeh of Combinate Podcast was very intriguing and he does a fun podcast. Check out the Combinate podcast #132 as I, Leo Eisner, talk about Standards.

Draft EUDAMED Roadmap of Modules

Draft EUDAMED Roadmap Modules

Draft EUDAMED roadmap (of modules*) was published on 20 Oct 2023 with updated timelines for each module and mandatory use dates for the MDR & IVDR.

Happy MDR + Day 1 Past DoA

Happy MDR + Day 1 Past DoA

DATELINE 27 MAY 2021: Wow! Some companies made it just across the line in time and I’m sure some didn’t. Did you? Not everyone agress with my perspective. Let’s get on with the story.

What does that all mean?

The MDD and AIMDD are dead (Dead on Arrival) and the MDR Date of Application (DoA) has just flown by us, yesterday. So, we are past the transition period, per say, for the MDR and now we’re into a grace (grey zone) for the legacy MDD/AIMDD products that can’t have any significant changes under their existing MDD/AIMDD certificates otherwise they need to go “full up” into MDR-land.

EU Commission MDR & IVDR Standardization Request List – Will it Succeed?

EU Commission MDR & IVDR Standardization Request List – Will it Succeed?

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTATION DECISION M/575 was issued 14 April 2021: This is a list of standards the EU Commission is hoping to Harmonize under MDR and IVDR.  One of the issues is the HAS consultant has issued a negative assessment on